mood symptoms
DEPRESSIve symptoms
Depressive symptoms often manifest in the following emotional, behavioral, cognitive and physical symptoms
Persistent Depressed mood (sadness, hopelessness, emptiness,tearfulness)
Unbearable emotional pain
Decreased interest or pleasure in enjoyable activities
Social withdrawal and self-isolation
Noticeable weight loss or weight gain
Irritable feelings, increased agitation and/or anger outbursts
Decreased planning ability and/or difficulty making decisions
Decreased concentration and/or being easily distracted
Decreased or increased sleep (Insomnia or hyposomnia)
Low energy or fatigue
Feelings of worthlessness and excessive guilt
Delusional thinking (e.g. blaming oneself for world hunger)
Thoughts of dying, being better off dead or not wanting to wake up
Planned or past attempts to end one's life
Increased physical illness or somatic complains
bipolar mood symptoms
A person struggling with bipolar mood symptoms usually experience manic like episodes that may or may not be followed by a depressive episode. These symptoms usually cause significant disruption to social or occupational functioning.
These Manic episodes are usually characterised by the following symptoms
Elevated, expansive and/or irritable mood
Increased goal directed activity (socially, at work or school, or sexually)
Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
Decreased need for sleep
More talkative than usual
Flights of ideas or racing thoughts
Easily distracted
Increased Engagement in risky activities
Depressive episodes are usually characterised by the following symptoms
Persistent Depressed mood (Sadness, hopelessness, emptiness, tearfulness)
Unbearable emotional pain
Decreased interest or pleasure in enjoyable activities
Social withdrawal and self-isolation
Noticeable weight loss or weight gain
Irritable feelings, increased agitation and/or anger outbursts
Decreased planning ability and/or difficulty making decisions
Decreased concentration and/or being easily distracted
Decreased or increased sleep (Insomnia or hyposomnia)
Low energy or fatigue
Feelings of worthlessness and excessive guilt
Delusional thinking (eg. blaming oneself for world hunger)
Thoughts of dying, being better of dead or not wanting to wake up
Planned or past attempts to end one's life
Increased physical illness or somatic complains